ContrastMaster is a powerful tool that helps you adjust and control the contrast levels in your photos. Unlike many other graphic editing, processing and manipulation tools that offer only a simple, basic contrast management function, as a secondary feature offered among many others, ContrastMaster can also deal specifically with contrast adjustment and enhancement functions. Contrast management is its main and only feature; therefore, it offers a lot more than just a simple slider, as the other aforementioned tools do. In other words, if you’re looking for a tool that offers a truly comprehensive and effective solution to control the contrast of photos, ContrastMaster is the right choice.
ContrastMaster comes with no less than six different contrast adjustment modes, including one meant for novices, one meant for experienced users, and some meant for specifically handling global, local, dynamic or adaptive contrast adjustment types. This powerful tool allows controlling every little parameter of the contrast values, including intensity, detail, variation, strength, shadows, highlights, and so on. Additional masking, saturation and brightness options are also available.
By offering comprehensive contrast manipulation possibilities, this handy tool can be used to create photorealistic paintings and even HDR-like effects, especially since it can be used both as a standalone separate application and as a plugin for more sophisticated graphic suites like Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Irfan View, etc. more